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Round 2 Feature Match: Harry Peters vs. Talha Khan

Table 2
Harry Peters (Tengu Tour Plant) vs. Talha Khan (Diva Hero) 

With the recent banlist, Plants have generally been regarded as an inferior deck due to the weakening of all its explosive plays. Harry Peters sets out to prove critics wrong, wielding his very own Plant deck modeled after Plant decks of old. However, will the banlist modifications on Debris Dragon, Lonefire Blossom, Pot of Avarice, Formula Synchron, T.G. Hyper Librarian and Harry Peters by Konami be too hard to overcome? Playing him is Taiha Khan, who is playing a Elemental HERO based deck, with Deep Sea Diva incorporated for access to Elemental HERO Absolute Zero. With the inclusion of Lost Blue Breaker from the most recent Generation Force booster, will Khan be able to win vs. the vanguard of Plants?

Game 1
Harry Peters going first

Peters wins the Rock Paper Scissors game and starts.
He begins with a simple T-Set on his side, setting a monster and a spell/trap.

Khan mirrors Peters' move and sets his own monsters and spell/trap.

Peters plays Mystical Space Typhoon from his hand, destroying Khan's set Bottomless Trap Hole. Peters then tributes his set Sangan for Caius the Shadow Monarch  and targets Khan's set monster. It is banished, and revealed to be another Sangan, dealing 1000 damage to Khan due to Caius' effect. Sangan's effect then resolves, and Peters adds Effect Veiler to his hand. Caius then attacks, dealing 2400 damage to Khan. Peters then solidifies his defenses, setting another backrow and ending.

Peters: 8000
Khan: 5600

Khan seems to have no answers for his opponent's push, and turtles up instead, setting a monster and backrow.

Peters continues to press, summoning Reborn Tengu! Tengu attacks the face down monster, revealing and destroying Plaguespreader Zombie. Caius then attacks Khan for 2400 Life Points, and Peters ends.

Caius gives Peters the early advantage in Game 1!

Peters: 8000
Khan: 3200

Khan draws to four, and seems to have found an answer! He summons Elemental HERO Neos Alius and attacks Reborn Tengu, forcing another Tengu from the deck and dealing 200 damage. However, that seems to be all as he ends after.

Peters: 7800
Khan: 3200

Peters is ready to explode. He normal summons Lonefire Blossom and tributes it for Spore. He tunes Reborn Tengu and Spore for T.G. Hyper Librarian, but Khan has the Bottomless Trap Hole! But another Reborn Tengu is still summoned, and all Peters has to do is banish Lonefire Blossom for Spore and tune for Scrap Dragon for Khan to scoop to Peters' field of Caius and Scrap Dragon!

Game 2
Harry Peters leading 1-0
Talha Khan going first

Khan starts Game 2, hoping to reverse his luck. He opens with Elemental HERO Stratos, but Peters promptly chains Effect Veiler, negating Stratos' effect. Khan then plays Pot of Duality, revealing Allure of Darkness and two Elemental HERO Neos Alius' from the top of his deck. He keeps one of the Elemental HERO Neos Alius', and ends his turn.

Peters just summons Reborn Tengu and sets a backrow and ends his turn.

Khan is through with being a doormat to Peters! He summons Deep Sea Diva and activates its effect, to special summon Lost Blue Breaker. He tributes Lost Blue Breaker to “break” his opponent's set spell/trap, destroying Call of the Haunted. He then plays Mind Control, taking Tengu, and then overlaying Stratos and Reborn tengu for Number 39: Utopia!. He then attacks with both Deep Sea Diva and Utopia for 2700 damage together.

Lost Blue Breaker frees the way for Khan to set up Number 39: Utopia, giving him a good shot at evening up the match!

Peters: 5300
Khan: 8000

Peters, now on the other side of a rally, sets a monster and two backrows and ends.

Khan, seeing a vulnerability, attempts to press his luck by summoning Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. Peters promptly responds with Torrential Tribute! Clearing the field of Khan's Diva, Kycoo, and Utopia, while Peters only loses his Glow-Up Bulb. Khan isn't done however, and plays Miracle Fusion, banishing Stratos and Utopia for Elemental HERO The Shining. The Shining attacks with its boosted 2900 attack and Khan sets a backrow to round out his turn. However, Peters uses Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase to destroy his recently set, Torrential Tribute.

Peters: 2400
Khan: 8000

Peters begins his turn with a mill, activating Glow-Up Bulb's effect. He mills Enemy Controller, then uses the Bulb as tribute fodder, summoning Caius the Shadow Monarch and targeting The Shining for banishment. Khan chains Bottomless Trap Hole, banishing Caius, but still loses The Shining. Peters ends with that, having his moves stifled.

Khan just draws and passes for his turn.

Peters summons Sangan and pokes for damage, dropping Khan 1000 Life Points.

Peters: 2400
Khan: 7000.

Khan draws and passes again.

It is now time for Peters' counterattack. He normal summons Lonefire Blossom, and tributes it off for Spore. Spore and Sangan are tuned into Armory Arm, and he searches D.D. Crow with Sangan's effect. He banishes Lonefire Blosson for Spore's effect, and once Spore hits the field as a level 4 tuner, he tunes Armory Arm and Spore for Stardust Dragon! He attacks for 2500 and ends.

Peters: 2400
Khan: 4500

Khan finally gets a blocker and sets a monster to the field, but that seems to be all.

Peters attacks the set monster next turn with Stardust Dragon, and it is revealed to be Sangan. Khan searches out Destiny HERO - Malicious, and Peters sets a backrow to end.

Khan starts his turn with Destiny Draw! He discard Malicious to draw two, and he then special summons Malicious in defense mode from his deck by banishing the first in his graveyard. Khan summons Deep Sea Diva, activating its effect to special summon another Diva in defense position. He synchros for another Stardust Dragon with the Attack Position Diva and Destiny Hero – Malicious. Khan then plays Miracle Fusion, but Peters responds with D.D. Crow to remove Khan's only Destiny HERO, leaving Miracle Fusion to resolve without effect. Stardust Dragon attacks the other Stardust Dragon, but Peters responds with Enemy Controller, turning the opposing Stardust Dragon to defense. Khan, after those counters, has no choice but to pass.

Peters, on his turn, just attacks over the Stardust Dragon in defense mode and sets a backrow to end.

Khan summons Destiny HERO – Diamond Dude and activates its effect. It is revealed to be Destiny HERO – Doom Lord which goes to the bottom of the deck. Khan then tunes the defense position Diva with Diamond Dude to special summon Brioanc, Dragon of Ice Barrier. He activates its effect to discard an Effect Veiler to return Stardust Dragon to the Extra Deck. Khan just declares an attack with Brionac. However Peters responds with a  Call in the Haunted, forcing a replay. Peters special summons Sangan, which Brionac attacks over for 1300 damage to Peters. Peters uses the Sangan search to search Tour Guide from the Underworld. Khan passes with no further moves.

Peters: 1100
Khan: 4500

However, Peters is ready to win! He normal summons Tour Guide from the Underworld, then special summons another Tour Guide from the Underworld in defense mode. He overlays them for Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, which detaches one Tour Guide from the Underworld to boost Leviathan Dragon over Brionac. He attacks Brionac for 200 damage, and in Main Phase 2, he plays Foolish Burials a Dandylion for two Fluff Tokens. He ends after.

Peters: 1100
Khan: 4300

Khan is left with no moves, just passing.

Peters then tributes both tokens for Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, and attacks with both Gorz and Leviathan Dragon to win the match!

Written by: Jimmy Cheung

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