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Information on the next Grand Prix Championship

Grand Prix Championship Madrid, Spain
Registration Begins: August 15th, 2011
Registration Ends: September 4th, 2011
Tournament Begins: September 5th, 2011

You must have a registered, active DuelistGroundz account to participate in the Tournament.
You may play using either Dueling Network or Yu-Gi-Oh Virtual Desktop. If you are able to use both programs please do so.
You will also need an AOL Instant Messaging Account. If you cannot download AIM, you may make an account to use at
Generation Force will be legal for this Tournament.
Tournament will be played under the September 2011 Forbidden List.
If the new priority ruling is in place by the Start of the Tournament, it will be in affect for the Tournament.
I will be looking for a Pairings Organizer (who will be using Mantis Tournament Software), Dispute Committee Judges, and Coverage Staff. If any of these positions interest you, contact me by PM on DuelistGroundz or AIM me at tylers91x.


Champion's Interview: Michael Steinman

Michael Steinman is victorious over 152 other Duelists, and is our newest Grand Prix Championship! I sat down with his after his Finals match to discuss his victory and various other topics!

Q: This was the first tournament with T.G. Hyper Librarian legal. Knowing that, how did you prepare for it and what made you choose Gravekeepers?
A: Throughout testing and gathering opinions from other players, we all agreed that Plants were the best deck for this tournament. I expected people to be maining tech for the Plant Mirror, and I felt by running Gravekeeper I would have an advantage over those players instead of having to rely on being lucky enough to win enough mirrors to Top. The Plant mirror can be skillful but I personally felt my odds were better of beating all the Plant players if I ran Gravekeeper.

Q: Do you any comments regarding your card choices? What worked great for you and what would you change?
A: Before the tournament, I decided to main 2 copies of Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo because of their effectiveness against Plants, Water Synchro, and Six Samurai. However, the further I advanced in the tournament the more I realized Fossil Dyna was only as good as the hand I had to back it up, and could be taken advantage of if things weren't going well. In the games I drew well, I felt like I would have won those games without Dyna. I still feel like Fossil Dyna is one of the best Side Deck cards for this deck, but in hindsight I would not have mained it.

I had also never used Fiendish Chain before this tournament, but the card was amazing for me throughout the Tournament and I never regretted maining them.

Q: Did you have any memorable matchups in the Swiss Rounds?
A:  The 1 match I remember most was Round 3, where I played my dearest friend Chris Hentz. He drew so well in the match and I just got devastated, it was beyond frustrating to lose so hard to what I thought was my best matchup. However, I wished him good luck and we both ended up topping in the end.

Q: What would you say was the biggest factor in you winning this tournament?
A: Royal Tribute!

Q: How was this Grand Prix Championship experience for you?
A: I disliked having to play 3 extra rounds of Swiss because of the Tournament crash, but overall it was worth it in the end. I realized how immature I had been acting during the end of the Swiss Rounds, and I feel like I grew considerably as a person and a player through this tournament.

Q: Do you have any shout-outs or special requests?
A: I would like to thank Chris Hentz for helping me built the deck, and the 2 Tournament Organizers, Plushie and Pengwan for working together to make sure this Grand Prix wasn't cancelled.

Me: Thank you for your time, and congratulations on your success!

This wraps up our Tournament. We hope to host the next Grand Prix at the start of the next format, so please check back in a few weeks for Registration!

Final Round Feature Match: Brady Olekviak vs. Michael Steinman

A field of 153 has been reduced to 2. It all comes down to this. Brady Olekviak is here with his Chaos Plant deck, while Michael Steinman is running Gravekeepers. One of these duelists is about to become our newest Grand Prix Champion!

Game 1
Steiman won rock-paper-scissors and opened the match by setting 3 backrow, then ending his turn.

Olekviak set a card to each zone before ending.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Descendant. Descendant attacked over the face-down Ryko, which destroy Steinman's middle backrow, Torrential Tribute. Ryko milled Spore, Dark Hole, and Junk Synchron. In his Main Phase 2 Steinman set 2 cards to his backrow, then discarded Gravekeeper's Commandant to add Necrovalley to his hand. He activated Necrovalley, Olekviak chained Dust Tornado but Steinman paid 1000 to negate it with Seven Tools of the Bandit! Steinman then flipped Royal Tribute, discarding Chaos Sorcerer, Effect Veiler, and Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from Olekviak's hand while revealing Solemn Judgment. Steinman ended his turn.

Olekviak: 8000
Steinman: 7000

Olekviak set a backrow and ended.

Steinman attacked directly for 2000 with Descendant, then set a backrow and ended.

Steinman: 7000
Olekviak: 6000

Olekviak set a monster and ended.

Steinman attacked the face-down Sangan with Descendant and Olekviak added another Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter to his hand. Steinman ended his turn.

Olekviak set a monster and ended.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Spy but Olekviak chained Solemn Judgment, paying 3000 to negate the Summon. Descendant attacked over Ryko, which destroyed Necrovalley while milling Mystic Tomato, Doppelwarrior, and Reinforcement of the Army. In his Main Phase 2 Steinman flipped Gravekeeper's Stele to return Spy and Commandant to his hand, then he discarded Commandant to add Necrovalley to his hand. Steinman activated Necrovalley and ended.

Steinman: 7000
Olekviak: 3000

Olekviak set a card to each zone, then ended.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Spy and tributed it with priority for Descendant to target the set monster, but Olekviak chained Torrential Tribute to destroy Descendant and his set Card Trooper, drawing a card. Steinman set a backrow and ended.

Olekviak Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom, tributing it off for another Lonefire. That Lonefire was tributed to Special Summon Dandylion in DEF, and then Olekviak set a card to his backrow before ending.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Assailant but Olekviak activated Solemn Warning, paying 2000 to negate the summon. Steinman ended with no further plays.

Steinman: 7000
Olekviak: 1000

Olekviak Normal Summoned Debris Dragon, unable to use the effect because of Necrovalley. He tuned Debris with Dandylion for Ancient Fairy Dragon, but Steinman chained Solemn Warning to negate the summon and destroy it. Olekviak ended with 2 Fluff Tokens on the field.

Steinman: 5000
Olekviak: 1000

Steinman set a card to his backrow then activated Royal Tribute, revealing Olekviak's One for One. Steinman ended.

Olekviak drew and activated One for One, discarding Glow-Up Bulb to Special Summon Effect Veiler in DEF. He tuned Veiler with a Token for Formula Synchron, drawing 1 card. He then activated Giant Trunade to spin Steinman's 3 backrow and Necrovalley to his hand, and removed Lonefire Blossom to Special Summon Spore. He tuned Spore with the remaining token for T.G. Hyper Librarian, and attacked for 2400 before ending his turn.

Steinman: 2600
Olekviak: 1000

Steinman activated Dark Hole then Gravekeeper's Stele next turn and Olekviak scooped!

Game 2
Olekviak began play by setting a monster and ending.

Steinman set 1 backrow and ended.

Olekviak flipped Card Trooper, and boosted it to 1900 by milling Torrential Tribute, Nobleman of Crossout, and Mystical Space Typhoon. He then Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress but Steinman activated Torrential Tribute to clear the field. Olekviak drew a card for Card Trooper, then set a backrow and passed.

Steinman drew Pot of Duality and played it, revealing Necrovalley, Cyber Dragon, and Gravekeeper's Commandant; he kept Commandant. Steinman Normal Summoned Commandant and attacked directly for 1600. He then set 2 backrow and ended. Olekviak activated Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase, destroying the first set card, Book of Moon.

Steinman: 8000
Olekviak: 6400

Olekviak Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom, tributing it off with priority but Steinman chained Royal Oppression, paying 800 to negate the effect! Olekviak ended his turn.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 6400

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Recruiter next. Recruiter attacked for 1200 and Commandant hit for 1600. Olekviak Special Summoned Gorz the Emissary of Darkness in ATK and a 1600 Emissary of Darkness Token in DEF after the attacks. Steinman set a card to his backrow and ended.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 3600

Olekviak discarded Puppet Plant next turn to take control of Gravekeeper's Recruiter, then rammed Recruiter into Commandant and take 400. Gorz declared an attack on Commandant next but Steinman activated Mirror Force to destroy it. Olekviak set a card to each zone and passed.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 3200

Commandant attacked the set Ryko next turn, and Ryko destroyed Royal Oppression and then milled Sangan, Nobleman of Crossout, and Malevolent Catastrophe. Steinman set 2 cards to his backrow and ended.

Olekviak turned his 1600 ATK token to attack next turn, and then Normal Summoned Mystic Tomato. He rammed the token into Gravekeeper's Commandant to destroy both monsters, then attacked with Mystic Tomato but Steinman activated Dimensional Prison to banish the Tomato. Olekviak ended his turn.

Steinman activated Necrovalley next turn, but Olekviak gave up 1600 Life Points to negate it with Solemn Judgment. Steinman passed with no plays.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 1600

Olekviak Normal Summoned Debris Dragon but Steinman chained Fiendish Chain to negate the effect. Olekviak ended.

Steinman Special Summoned Cyber Dragon next turn, attacking over Debris Dragon. He then activated Necrovalley and ended.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 500

Olekviak activated Dark Hole, then set a card to each zone and passed.

Steinman set a backrow and ended.

Olekviak passed.

Steinman set a monster and ended.

Olekviak set a monster and ended.

Steinman drew Breaker the Magical Warrior and Normal Summoned it. He removed the counter to target Olekviak's backrow but Olekviak chained the targeted Dust Tornado to destroy Steinman's set Fiendish Chain. Steinman then flipped Gravekeeper's Descendant. Breaker attacked the newest set, Effect Veiler and then Descendant ran over Spore. Steinman ended his turn.

Olekviak drew and Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, which attacked over Gravekeeper's Descendant for 100. He then set a monster and ended.

Steinman: 7100
Olekviak: 500

Breaker attacked over the set Ryko next turn, destroying Necrovalley while milling Effect Veiler, Mobius the Frost Monarch, and Card Trooper. Steinman set a card to his backrow and ended.

Cyber Dragon attacked over Breaker next turn, and Olekviak ended after setting a backrow.

Steinman: 6600
Olekviak: 500

Steinman set a backrow and passed.

Olekviak attacked directly for 2100 and passed.

Steinman: 4500
Olekviak: 500

Steinman set a backrow and passed.

Olekviak hit directly again for 2100 and ended.

Steinman: 2400
Olekviak: 500

Steinman drew and flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Olekviak's set Solemn Warning, then he Special Summoned his freshly drawn Cyber Dragon! He contacted fused for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and attacked directly to win the tournament!

Michael Steinman takes the match 2-0 and is our newest Grand Prix Champion!

Congratulations to Michael Steinman, GPC Sydney Champion!

Michael Steinman has won the Final Match 2-0 over Brady Olekviak, and is our newest Champion! Here is his winning decklist:

Monsters: 15
3 Gravekeeper's Commandant
3 Gravekeeper's Descendant
3 Gravekeeper's Recruiter
3 Gravekeeper's Spy
2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1 Gravekeeper's Assailant

Spells: 12
3 Necrovalley
3 Pot of Duality
2 Gravekeeper's Stele
2 Royal Tribute
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole

Traps: 13
3 Dimensional Prison
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Seven Tools of the Bandit
2 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Magical Android
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Mist Wurm
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ally of Justice Decisive Armor

Side Deck: 15
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 Cyber Dragon
2 Effect Veiler
2 Kinetic Soldier
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Rivalry of Warlords
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Gozen Match

Top 4 Feature Match: Andrew Tenjum vs. Brady Olekviak

This GPC Feature Match features Andrew Tenjum and Brady Olekviak. Both are playing Plant builds, although the builds are noticeably different. Andrew Tenjum lost in the Top 4 during the last GPC, while this is Olekviak's first time here. Who would advance to the Finals???

Game 1
Olekviak opens by setting a card to his backrow and ending.

Tenjum Normal Summons Reborn Tengu, which attacks directly for 1700. He then sets 2 cards to his backrow and ends.

Tenjum: 8000
Olekviak: 6300

Olekviak Normal Summons Card Trooper, milling Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and Effect Veiler to boost it to 1900 ATK. Trooper runs over Tengu for 200 and Tenjum Special Summons another copy to the field in ATK. Olekviak ends with no further plays.

Tenjum: 7800
Olekviak: 6300

Tenjum Normal Summons Lonefire Blossom, which tributes itself off with priority for another Lonefire Blossom. He tributes that Lonefire Blossom for Spore in DEF, then tunes Spore with Reborn Tengu for T.G. Hyper Librarian, Summoning his final Tengu to the field in ATK. He then banishes Lonefire Blossom from his graveyard to Special Summon Spore, and tunes it with Tengu for Stardust Dragon, drawing 1 card with Librarian's effect. Stardust attacks over Trooper for 2100 and Librarian connects directly for 2400. Tenjum then ends.

Tenjum: 7800
Olekviak: 1800

Olekviak activates Reinforcement of the Army to add Doppelwarrior to his hand, then follows up with Giant Trunade! Tenjum has no response but Olekviak chains Call of the Haunted, targetting Card Trooper to draw 1 card when Call is returned to his hand. He then banishes Gorz and Ryko from his Graveyard to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer, banishing Stardust Dragon with the effect of Sorcerer. Next Olekviak Normal Summons Debris Dragon, which Special Summons Card Trooper to the field; Olekviak also Special Summons Doppelwarrior alongside it. He then tunes Doppelwarrior, Card Trooper, and Debris Dragon for Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Trishula banishes Librarian from the field, Spore from the graveyard, and Sangan from Tenjum's hand. Trishula attacks directly for 2700 and Olekviak sets 1 card to his backrow before ending.

Tenjum: 5100
Olekviak: 1800

Tenjum activates Dark Hole to clear the field of Trishula and Chaos Sorcerer, and then Normal Summons Tour Guide From the Underworld. Tour Guide Special Summons another Tour Guide to the field in ATK and Tenjum declares a direct attack with Tour Guide; Olekviak responds with Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer. Tenjum sets a card to his backrow and ends.

Olekviak Normal Summons Junk Synchron, which brings Effect Veiler to the field. He Special Summons Doppelwarrior alongside it, then tunes Junk Synchron with Doppelwarrior for T.G. Hyper Librarian, Special Summoning 2 Doppel Tokens to the field. Next he tunes Effect Veiler with 1 Doppel Token for Formula Synchron, drawing 2 cards. Chaos Sorcerer then banishes a Tour Guide from the field, and Olekviak activates Pot of Avarice to shuffle back Trishula, Effect Veiler, Junk Synchron, Doppelwarrior, and Debris Dragon to draw 2 cards. He then activates a freshly drawn Mystical Space Typhoon and Tenjum scoops!

Game 2
Tenjum sets 3 cards to his backrow, then Normal Summons Reborn Tengu and ends.

Olekviak Normal Summons Card Trooper, milling Lonefire Blossom, D.D. Crow, and Foolish Burial to boost it to 1900. Trooper attacks over Tengu for 200 and Tenjum Special Summons another copy in attack. Olekviak then sets 3 cards to his backrow and ends. Tenjum activates Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase, destroying the first set card which is revealed as Solemn Warning.

Olekviak: 8000
Tenjum: 7800

Tenjum Normal Summons Glow-Up Bulb next turn, and Olekviak chains Chain Disappearance on it. After some delibaration, Tenjum chains Book of Moon to turn Bulb face-down and save it. Tengu attacks over Trooper for 1300, Olekviak draws 1 card and Tenjum ends.

Tenjum: 7800
Olekviak: 6700

Olekviak Normal Summons Debris Dragon next turn, but Tenjum chains Solemn Warning to negate the summon. Next Olekviak activates Call of the Haunted but Tenjum discards D.D. Crow to banish the targeted Card Trooper. Olekviak sets 2 cards to his backrow and ends.

Olekviak: 6700
Tenjum: 5800

Tenjum flips Glow-Up Bulb and Olekviak activates another Chain Disappearance to banish it. Tenjum then activates Monster Reborn, targetting Olekviak's Lonefire Blossom but Olekviak activates Solemn Judgment, paying 3350 to negate it. Tengu attacks directly for 1700 and Tenjum ends.

Tenjum: 5800
Olekviak: 1650

Olekviak Normal Summons Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress next turn and turns it to DEF to destroy Tenjum's set Giant Trunade. He then ends his turn, milling Spore, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Card Trooper.

Tenjum draws Thunder King Rai-Oh and Summons it and Olekviak scoops!

Game 3
Olekviak begins the final game by activating Foolish Burial to send Dandylion to the Graveyard, bringing 2 Fluff Tokens to the field. He then Normal Summons Lonefire Blossom and tributes Lonefire Blossom with priority to Special Summon another Lonefire in ATK. He then tributes 1 Fluff Token for Spore and tunes Spore with the other Token for Formula Synchron, drawing 1 card. He then sets 1 card to his backrow and ends.

Tenjum Normal Summons Sangan, and Olekviak activates Chain Disappearance; Tenjum chains Book of Moon from his hand to save his Sangan. Tenjum ends his turn.

Olekviak Normal Summons Debris Dragon, which Special Summons Dandylion to the field. He then tunes Dandylion with Formula Synchron for T.G. Hyper Librarian, bringing 2 Fluff Tokens to the field alongside it. He then tunes the tokens with Debris Dragon and Lonefire Blossom for Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier which banishes Sangan from the field, Book of Moon from the graveyard, and Thunder King Rai-Oh from Tenjum's hand. Olekviak draws 1 card with Librarian, then attacks directly for 5100 with Librarian and Trishula before ending.

Olekviak: 8000
Tenjum: 2900

Tenjum activates Dark Hole to clear the field, then Normal Summons Thunder King Rai-Oh. Rai-Oh attacks directly for 1900 and Olekviak drops Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, and Tenjum scoops!

Brady Olekviak is headed to the GPC Finals!


GPC Sydney Top 8 Decklists

The Tri-Site Grand Prix Championship, Sydney
Top 8 Decklists
Entrants: 153
Swiss Rounds: 10

Final Swiss Standings
1 Francisco Christiansen
2 Grant McKinney
3 Brady Olekviak
4 Andrew Tenjum
5 Joshua Fulger
6 Chris Hentz
7 Michael Steinman
8 Chris Schwarz

Top 8 Deck Breakdown
1 Anti-Meta
1 Gravekeeper
1 Karakuri Machina Plant
5 Plants

Francisco Christiansen
Username: Cejas96
Anti-Meta - 40 Cards

Monsters: 16
3 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2 Banisher of the Radiance
2 D.D. Warrior Lady
2 Effect Veiler
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 King Tiger Wanghu
1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Spells: 10
3 Pot of Duality
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Smashing Ground

Traps: 14
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Dust Tornado
2 Solemn Warning
1 Chain Disappearance
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Magical Android
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Scrap Archfiend
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Mist Wurm
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Side Deck: 15
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Genex Ally Duradark
2 Kinetic Soldier
1 Cyber Dragon
1 D.D. Crow
1 Doomcaliber Knight
1 Dust Tornado
1 Smashing Ground

Grant McKinney
Username: pkmn master grant
Karakuri Machina Plant - 40 Cards

Monsters: 21
3 Machina Gearframe
2 Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi"
2 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Machina Fortress
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa"
1 Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick"
1 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"
1 Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan"
1 Machina Force
1 Naturia Rosewhip
1 Spore

Spells: 13
3 Pot of Duality
2 Instant Fusion
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Book of Moon
1 Foolish Burial
1 Giant Trunade
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Avarice
1 One for One

Traps: 7
2 Solemn Warning
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
1 Cyber Saurus
1 Karbonala Warrior
2 Formula Synchron
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Naturia Beast
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Karakuri Shogon mdl 00 "Burei"
1 Naturia Landoise
3 Karakuri Steel Shogon mdl 00X "Bureido"
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon

Side Deck: 15
2 D.D. Crow
2 Effect Veiler
2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2 Malevolent Catastrophe
2 Puppet Plant
1 Dark Hole
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Maxx "C"
1 Mind Crush
1 Trap Dustshoot

Brady Olekviak
Username: Bmazing9
Plants - 41 Cards

Monsters: 23
2 Card Trooper
2 Chaos Sorcerer
2 Debris Dragon
2 Doppelwarrior
2 Effect Veiler
2 Junk Synchron
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
1 Mystic Tomato
1 Sangan
1 Spore

Spells: 12
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Avarice
1 Charge of the Light Brigade
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Giant Trunade
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for One
1 Reinforcement of the Army

Traps: 6
2 Solemn Warning
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Dust Tornado
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
2 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Junk Warrior
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Side Deck: 15
3 Puppet Plant
2 Chain Disappearance
2 Cyber Dragon
2 D.D. Crow
2 Malevolent Catastrophe
2 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Dust Tornado
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch

Andrew Tenjum
Username: Turkey
Plants - 40 Cards

Monsters: 20
3 Reborn Tengu
2 Debris Dragon
2 Effect Veiler
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2 Tour Guide From the Underworld
1 Caius the Shadow Monarch
1 Dandylion
1 Destiny Hero - Plasma
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Sangan
1 Spore

Spells: 12
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Avarice
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Giant Trunade
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for One
1 Scapegoat

Traps: 8
2 Dust Tornado
2 Solemn Warning
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Limit Reverse
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
2 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
2 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Shooting Star Dragon

Side Deck: 15
2 Chain Disappearance
2 Cyber Dragon
2 D.D. Crow
2 Debunk
2 Maxx "C"
2 Royal Decree
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

Joshua Fulger
Username: Gnation
Plants - 40 Cards

Monsters: 22
3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
3 Reborn Tengu
3 Tour Guide From the Underworld
2 Debris Dragon
2 Effect Veiler
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
1 Sangan
1 Spore

Spells: 12
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Avarice
1 Book of Moon
1 Charge of the Light Brigade
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Giant Trunade
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for One

Traps: 7
3 Limit Reverse
2 Solemn Warning
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Shooting Star Dragon

Chris Hentz
Username: DRaMa
Plants - 41 Cards

Monsters: 23
3 Effect Veiler
3 Junk Synchron
3 Reborn Tengu
3 Doppelwarrior
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Sangan
1 Spore
1 Tragoedia

Spells: 13
3 Pot of Avarice
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Giant Trunade
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for One
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Tuning

Traps: 5
2 Solemn Warning
2 Trap Stun
1 Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck: 15
2 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Frozen Fitzgerald
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Gaia Knight, The FOrce of Earth
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
2 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Side Deck: 25
2 Chain Disappearance
2 Closed Forest
2 Cyber Dragon
2 D.D. Crow
2 Dust Tornado
2 Maxx "C"
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Malevolent Catastrophe

Michael Steinman
Username: TS Fearless
Gravekeeper - 40 Cards

Monsters: 15
3 Gravekeeper's Commandant
3 Gravekeeper's Descendant
3 Gravekeeper's Recruiter
3 Gravekeeper's Spy
2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1 Gravekeeper's Assailant

Spells: 12
3 Necrovalley
3 Pot of Duality
2 Gravekeeper's Stele
2 Royal Tribute
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole

Traps: 13
3 Dimensional Prison
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Seven Tools of the Bandit
2 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Magical Android
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Mist Wurm
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ally of Justice Decisive Armor

Side Deck: 15
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 Cyber Dragon
2 Effect Veiler
2 Kinetic Soldier
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Rivalry of Warlords
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Gozen Match

Chris Schwarz
Username: JCSchwarz
Plants - 40 Cards

Monsters: 23
3 Effect Veiler
3 Junk Synchron
3 Reborn Tengu
2 Debris Dragon
2 Doppelwarrior
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Level Eater
1 Quickdraw Synchron
1 Spore

Spells: 14
3 Pot of Avarice
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Tuning
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 De-Synchro
1 Foolish Burial
1 Monster Reborn
1 One for One
1 Reinforcement of the Army

Traps: 3
3 Royal Decree

Extra Deck: 15
2 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
2 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Drill Warrior
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Junk Destroyer
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
2 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Side Deck: 15
3 D.D. Crow
3 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
3 Smashing Ground
2 Cyber Dragon
2 Dust Tornado
2 Maxx "C"


Day 2 Round 4 Feature Match: Grant McKinney vs. Michael Steinman

This round of Day 2 of the Grand Prix Championship Sydney Day 2 event pits Grant McKinney against Mike Steinman. Both players wish each other good luck and roll to start the game, with McKinney winning out 3 to 1, electing to start the match.

Game 1
McKinney drew to six cards, and quickly activated Pot of Duality revealing Cyber Dragon, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi", eventually settling on Mystical Space Typhoon. He Set one Spell or Trap Card and a Monster, and passed over to Steinman.

Likewise, Steinman mimicked McKinney's play, activating Pot of Duality, revealing Gravekeeper's Spy, Gravekeeper's Descendant, and Solemn Warning. He picked Gravekeeper's Spy and finished up by Setting one of each. McKinney activated Mystical Space Typhoon on Steinman's Spell or Trap.

McKinney then activated his freshly drawn Foolish Burial, sending Dandylion and Special Summoning two Fluff Tokens! He Flip Summoned Glow-Up Bulb, hastily tuning his Bulb and a Fluff for Formula Synchron, drawing a card. He then summoned Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi," using its effect to Normal Summon Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa"! Haipa and Ninishi tuned together to summon Karakuri Shogun mdl 000 "Burei," whose effect brought out Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"! Burei's effect targeted Steinman's face-down Monster, revealing Gravekeeper's Spy. Steinman Summoned Gravekeeper's Recruiter from his Deck in Defense Position with Spy's effect!

Glow-Up Bulb's effect was then activated, Special Summoning itself and immediately tuning with Burei into Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"! Bureido's effect brought out Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick". Formula Synchron and Nisamu were tuned together to Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, whose effect was activated targeting Gravekeeper's Recruiter. McKinney declared an attack on the Attack Position Spy with Kuick!

McKinney: 8000
Steinman: 7500

Kuick's effect activated, and McKinney selected the Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" that was milled by Glow-Up Bulb's effect and Special Summoned it in Defense Position! Nishipachi's effect targeted itself, letting McKinney draw a card from Bureido, and Nishipachi, Brionac, and Bureido made direct attacks, and Steinman was quick to concede the first game!

Game 2
Steinman started off game 2 by Setting 4 Spell or Trap Cards and Normal Summoning Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, a devastating opening!

McKinney drew, attempted to Normal Summon Machina Gearframe, but was met by Steinman's Solemn Warning!

McKinney: 8000
Steinman: 6000

McKinney quickly recouped by activating Pot of Duality, revealing a Solemn Warning of his own, a Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick," and Mystical Space Typhoon! McKinney deliberated for a period, and decided on adding Mystical Space Typhoon to his hand, shuffling the other cards back into his Deck.

McKinney Set 3 Spell or Trap Cards of his own, and sent the game back into Steinman's hands.

Steinman attacked with Fossil Dyna immediately!

McKinney: 6800
Steinman: 6000

Steinman followed up just as quickly by activating Necrovalley, but McKinney chained one of his Set cards, Mystical Space Typhoon! Steinman Set a Spell or Trap, back to four, and passed.

McKinney activated Pot of Duality, revealing Malevolent Catastrophe, Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi," and Pot of Avarice, deciding without a second of hesitation on Malevolent Catastrophe! He Set one Monster and one Spell or Trap and ended.

Steinman attacked McKinney's face-down Monster with Dyna, revealing Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi," who dealt 400 damage to Steinman's Life Points! It wasn't much, but it was the first crack McKinney was able to make in Steinman's massive defense!

McKinney: 6800
Steinman: 5600

Steinman passed quickly afterwards, and all McKinney could muster was to Set a second Monster. Steinman switched his Pachycephalo to Defense, and sent it right back to McKinney! For the next four turns, the only action both players made was drawing a card at the start of each turn.

Steinman was the first to break the stalemate, Summoning Gravekeeper's Descendant, who met McKinney's Solemn Warning.

McKinney: 4800
Steinman: 5600

McKinney Summoned Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 Kuick, flipped Mystical Space Typhoon hitting Steinman's Seven Tools of the Bandit, and attacked with Kuick into Dimensional Prison!

Steinman began what seemed to be a new chain of drawing and passing, but McKinney Summoned Machina Gearframe. Steinman's lack of response let McKinney search out Machina Force, and Gearframe attempted an attack on Dyna...but met a second Dimensional Prison!

Steinman was up, drawing and activating Pot of Duality, revealing Gravekeeper's Spy, a second Pot of Duality, and Gravekeeper's Recruiter. Steinman selected the second Duality, activated Book of Moon on Dyna, and flipped it, triggering his own Set Torrential Tribute! McKinney's Nishipachi and Set Lonefire Blossom were destroyed, along with Steinman's elusive Dyna. Steinman Set a Monster to replace Dyna, activated Necrovalley, and then activated Royal Tribute! McKinney discarded Machina Fortress, Machina Force, Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan," and Dandylion, leaving him with only a single card in hand, Dark Hole! McKinney Summoned two Fluff Tokens, and Steinman ended after a massive turn.

McKinney took the bait, activating Dark Hole after drawing, and Steinman's Gravekeeper's Spy was destroyed! All McKinney could do was pass back.

Steinman activated Pot of Duality, revealing another Dyna, Gravekeeper's Recruiter, and Fiendish Chain, eventually settling on Recruiter. He Set a Monster, and passed back to McKinney.

Seemingly at a loss for options, the only play McKinney made for a second turn was a Set card, this time a Spell or Trap!

Steinman was quick to capitalize, activating Mystical Space Typhoon on what he knew to be Malevolent Catastrophe! He then Flip Summoned Recruiter, and after no response from McKinney, declared a direct attack...and McKinney had the second Catastrophe! Steinman's Mirror Force and Necrovalley were destroyed, and McKinney took battle damage.

McKinney: 3600
Steinman: 5600

Steinman ended after setting a Spell or Trap, and McKinney activated his Pot of Avarice! He drew two, Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, Normal Summoned Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 "Ninishi," and tuned them together to Summon Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"! McKinney Special Summoned Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" from his Deck in Attack Position, whose effect switched it to Defense Position, letting McKinney draw a card. Bureido attacked Recruiter, dealing some quick damage to Steinman.

McKinney: 3600
Steinman: 4000

Steinman searched Commandant with Recruiter, and McKinney finished by Setting a Spell or Trap. Steinman drew, flipped his Set Dark Hole. He followed up by Summoning Commandant and attacked directly!

McKinney: 2000
Steinman: 4000

Steinman passed to McKinney after Setting a Spell or Trap. McKinney Summoned Lonefire Blossom, Tributed it to Special Summon Lonefire Blossom from his Deck, and that Lonefire Blossom was traded out for Spore in Defense Position! McKinney activated Foolish Burial, sending Dandylion, and Special Summoned two Fluff Tokens! A Token and Spore were immediately tuned into Formula Synchron, drawing McKinney a card. McKinney removed Lonefire Blossom from play to Special Summon Spore, who tuned with the Fluff Token that was left hanging around for Ally of Justice Catastor! Catastor and Formula tuned together for Karakuri Shogun mdl 000 "Burei," but Steinman revealed his face-down Fiendish Chain, shutting McKinney's turn down completely! McKinney finished out by Setting a Spell or Trap.

Steinman's Commandant switched to Defense Position, and Set his own Spell or Trap, passing back to McKinney...who couldn't help but pass right back! Steinman Set another Spell or Trap, passed, and McKinney mimicked the turn verbatim.

Steinman broke the second standstill by Summoning Descendant, but McKinney was quick to flip Solemn Judgment!

McKinney: 1000
Steinman: 4000

McKinney Set a Spell or Trap, passed, and Steinman Set a Monster and passed!

McKinney activated Giant Trunade...and Steinman scooped!