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Final Round Feature Match: Brady Olekviak vs. Michael Steinman

A field of 153 has been reduced to 2. It all comes down to this. Brady Olekviak is here with his Chaos Plant deck, while Michael Steinman is running Gravekeepers. One of these duelists is about to become our newest Grand Prix Champion!

Game 1
Steiman won rock-paper-scissors and opened the match by setting 3 backrow, then ending his turn.

Olekviak set a card to each zone before ending.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Descendant. Descendant attacked over the face-down Ryko, which destroy Steinman's middle backrow, Torrential Tribute. Ryko milled Spore, Dark Hole, and Junk Synchron. In his Main Phase 2 Steinman set 2 cards to his backrow, then discarded Gravekeeper's Commandant to add Necrovalley to his hand. He activated Necrovalley, Olekviak chained Dust Tornado but Steinman paid 1000 to negate it with Seven Tools of the Bandit! Steinman then flipped Royal Tribute, discarding Chaos Sorcerer, Effect Veiler, and Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from Olekviak's hand while revealing Solemn Judgment. Steinman ended his turn.

Olekviak: 8000
Steinman: 7000

Olekviak set a backrow and ended.

Steinman attacked directly for 2000 with Descendant, then set a backrow and ended.

Steinman: 7000
Olekviak: 6000

Olekviak set a monster and ended.

Steinman attacked the face-down Sangan with Descendant and Olekviak added another Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter to his hand. Steinman ended his turn.

Olekviak set a monster and ended.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Spy but Olekviak chained Solemn Judgment, paying 3000 to negate the Summon. Descendant attacked over Ryko, which destroyed Necrovalley while milling Mystic Tomato, Doppelwarrior, and Reinforcement of the Army. In his Main Phase 2 Steinman flipped Gravekeeper's Stele to return Spy and Commandant to his hand, then he discarded Commandant to add Necrovalley to his hand. Steinman activated Necrovalley and ended.

Steinman: 7000
Olekviak: 3000

Olekviak set a card to each zone, then ended.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Spy and tributed it with priority for Descendant to target the set monster, but Olekviak chained Torrential Tribute to destroy Descendant and his set Card Trooper, drawing a card. Steinman set a backrow and ended.

Olekviak Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom, tributing it off for another Lonefire. That Lonefire was tributed to Special Summon Dandylion in DEF, and then Olekviak set a card to his backrow before ending.

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Assailant but Olekviak activated Solemn Warning, paying 2000 to negate the summon. Steinman ended with no further plays.

Steinman: 7000
Olekviak: 1000

Olekviak Normal Summoned Debris Dragon, unable to use the effect because of Necrovalley. He tuned Debris with Dandylion for Ancient Fairy Dragon, but Steinman chained Solemn Warning to negate the summon and destroy it. Olekviak ended with 2 Fluff Tokens on the field.

Steinman: 5000
Olekviak: 1000

Steinman set a card to his backrow then activated Royal Tribute, revealing Olekviak's One for One. Steinman ended.

Olekviak drew and activated One for One, discarding Glow-Up Bulb to Special Summon Effect Veiler in DEF. He tuned Veiler with a Token for Formula Synchron, drawing 1 card. He then activated Giant Trunade to spin Steinman's 3 backrow and Necrovalley to his hand, and removed Lonefire Blossom to Special Summon Spore. He tuned Spore with the remaining token for T.G. Hyper Librarian, and attacked for 2400 before ending his turn.

Steinman: 2600
Olekviak: 1000

Steinman activated Dark Hole then Gravekeeper's Stele next turn and Olekviak scooped!

Game 2
Olekviak began play by setting a monster and ending.

Steinman set 1 backrow and ended.

Olekviak flipped Card Trooper, and boosted it to 1900 by milling Torrential Tribute, Nobleman of Crossout, and Mystical Space Typhoon. He then Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress but Steinman activated Torrential Tribute to clear the field. Olekviak drew a card for Card Trooper, then set a backrow and passed.

Steinman drew Pot of Duality and played it, revealing Necrovalley, Cyber Dragon, and Gravekeeper's Commandant; he kept Commandant. Steinman Normal Summoned Commandant and attacked directly for 1600. He then set 2 backrow and ended. Olekviak activated Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase, destroying the first set card, Book of Moon.

Steinman: 8000
Olekviak: 6400

Olekviak Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom, tributing it off with priority but Steinman chained Royal Oppression, paying 800 to negate the effect! Olekviak ended his turn.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 6400

Steinman Normal Summoned Gravekeeper's Recruiter next. Recruiter attacked for 1200 and Commandant hit for 1600. Olekviak Special Summoned Gorz the Emissary of Darkness in ATK and a 1600 Emissary of Darkness Token in DEF after the attacks. Steinman set a card to his backrow and ended.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 3600

Olekviak discarded Puppet Plant next turn to take control of Gravekeeper's Recruiter, then rammed Recruiter into Commandant and take 400. Gorz declared an attack on Commandant next but Steinman activated Mirror Force to destroy it. Olekviak set a card to each zone and passed.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 3200

Commandant attacked the set Ryko next turn, and Ryko destroyed Royal Oppression and then milled Sangan, Nobleman of Crossout, and Malevolent Catastrophe. Steinman set 2 cards to his backrow and ended.

Olekviak turned his 1600 ATK token to attack next turn, and then Normal Summoned Mystic Tomato. He rammed the token into Gravekeeper's Commandant to destroy both monsters, then attacked with Mystic Tomato but Steinman activated Dimensional Prison to banish the Tomato. Olekviak ended his turn.

Steinman activated Necrovalley next turn, but Olekviak gave up 1600 Life Points to negate it with Solemn Judgment. Steinman passed with no plays.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 1600

Olekviak Normal Summoned Debris Dragon but Steinman chained Fiendish Chain to negate the effect. Olekviak ended.

Steinman Special Summoned Cyber Dragon next turn, attacking over Debris Dragon. He then activated Necrovalley and ended.

Steinman: 7200
Olekviak: 500

Olekviak activated Dark Hole, then set a card to each zone and passed.

Steinman set a backrow and ended.

Olekviak passed.

Steinman set a monster and ended.

Olekviak set a monster and ended.

Steinman drew Breaker the Magical Warrior and Normal Summoned it. He removed the counter to target Olekviak's backrow but Olekviak chained the targeted Dust Tornado to destroy Steinman's set Fiendish Chain. Steinman then flipped Gravekeeper's Descendant. Breaker attacked the newest set, Effect Veiler and then Descendant ran over Spore. Steinman ended his turn.

Olekviak drew and Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, which attacked over Gravekeeper's Descendant for 100. He then set a monster and ended.

Steinman: 7100
Olekviak: 500

Breaker attacked over the set Ryko next turn, destroying Necrovalley while milling Effect Veiler, Mobius the Frost Monarch, and Card Trooper. Steinman set a card to his backrow and ended.

Cyber Dragon attacked over Breaker next turn, and Olekviak ended after setting a backrow.

Steinman: 6600
Olekviak: 500

Steinman set a backrow and passed.

Olekviak attacked directly for 2100 and passed.

Steinman: 4500
Olekviak: 500

Steinman set a backrow and passed.

Olekviak hit directly again for 2100 and ended.

Steinman: 2400
Olekviak: 500

Steinman drew and flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Olekviak's set Solemn Warning, then he Special Summoned his freshly drawn Cyber Dragon! He contacted fused for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and attacked directly to win the tournament!

Michael Steinman takes the match 2-0 and is our newest Grand Prix Champion!

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